Jim Passios oversees the management of all property and buildings including the planning, design of new structures, leasing and sale of split properties and removal of existing structures in an effort to create tillable land. He also ensures long-range capital improvement by performing a thorough analysis of current and future homesteads to determine the best strategic disposition in collaboration with the portfolio management team.
Jim uses his 20-plus years of land development and construction experience to provide ongoing insight and guidance to Ceres Partners. He brings diverse experience from prior roles managing commercial buildings, overseeing golf course operations, and constructing high-end homes.
During his tenure, he has been recognized for building the first Platinum LEED home in Cambridge, Massachusetts as designated by the U.S. Green Building Council, a leader in green building standards. His quality work and craftsmanship have been featured in several print media publications including Prefabulous & Sustainable, South Shore Living, and The Boston Globe.
Jim holds a BS Management degree in Business Administration from Salem State University.